Battle Tested Tools and Processes

Three Peaks Since May 2020

Since May 2020, the tools have been used to manage three peaks of 24,789 patients (Oct 2020), second peak of 22,446 (January 2021) and 62,807 (May 2021).

Since May 2020, the tools have been used to manage three peaks of 24,789 patients (Oct 2020), second peak of 22,446 (January 2021) and 62,807 (May 2021).

Managed 35X Patient Increase in 40 Days

Pandemics flare up very quickly giving very little reaction time to administrations. CoronaSafe tools have efficiently scaled to manage a 35X patient load within 40 days from managing 87 patients per day (on March 28, 2021) to 3051 patients per day (on May 5,2021).

Pandemics flare up very quickly giving very little reaction time to administrations. CoronaSafe tools have efficiently scaled to manage a 35X patient load within 40 days from managing 87 patients per day (on March 28, 2021) to 3051 patients per day (on May 5,2021).

Pandemic Management Process

  1. Ingest ICMR Data

When a patient goes to a lab and tests positive, the data is send to ICMR. State war rooms receive a list of positive patients from the ICMR everyday. This data can be directly ingested directly into CoronaSafe.

2. Create Patient Cards

The Medical Officer (MO) at district level or panchayat can create patient cards for every citizen who has turned Covid positive with one click in the care interface. Most data is thus pre-filled from ICMR form and the missing details can be captured.

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3. Do Telemedicine consultation

All patients can get tele-medicine consultations which are done by a central or distributed team. The updates of this consultations are given in the patient cards created by the medical officer.

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4. Give Medicine Prescriptions

The details of medical prescriptions from the consultation is added to the patient card.

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5. Upshift Breathless Patients

Any patients who feels breathless or having a drop in SpO2 level can immediately contact the medical officer. The medical officer can request for a shifting to a healthcare facility with Oxygen. The process of moving up from home to a healthcare facility or a regular healthcare facility to an apex treatment center is called an “UpShift”

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6. Triage to Approve/Reject

The Medical Doctor at the central war room does a medical triage on whether to accept or eject the request for shifting.
The field decision is based on many factors including the overall number of critical care beds in the district and the number of patients being managed in the healthcare system. The approval or rejection details are registered on the card.

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7. Locate Healthcare Facility

The Central Shifting team uses the realtime dashboards to find the appropriate bed for the patient and updates the patient card.

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8. Transport the patient

The ambulance team takes over the card and ensures that the patient is picked up and dropped at the destination healthcare facility.

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9. Complete Patient HandOver

The destination healthcare facility can see the patient card in their login. Once the patient is physically received at the hospital, the patient card is now moved from the War Room to the healthcare facility.

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10. Stabilise the Patient

The breathless patient is stabilised at the hospital and the consultation details that happened are updated in the patient’s data card.

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11. Downshift Patient to Periphery

As the availability of critical care beds are limited, a patient who is stabilised can be moved back to a step down Covid treatment facility through a process called the Downshift.

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12. Locate Healthcare Facility

The Shifting control team locates the appropriate bed and arranges for the transfer of the patient to a step down facility.

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13. Patients Recuperation.

The patient recuperates in a few days at the step down facility where he stays till he tests negative.

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14. Final Discharge of Patient

On Recovery at the step down facility, a patients digital discharge summary is generated which contains all the details from the time the patient tested positive. An audit trail containing all the decisions that happened along with time in processing his patient data card from start to finish is captured.


Detailed Field Operational Process Video in 6mins.